What to do with customer complaints and criticisms?

Mostafa Jahangir
2 min readAug 8, 2021


There are several customer categories:

Delighted customers: Usually actively praise the organization and its products to others.
Satisfied customers: Usually do not start to praise the organization, but if asked, they are satisfied with the organization’s products.
Indifferent customers
Dissatisfied customers: Contrary to satisfied customers
Angry Customers: Contrary to satisfied customers

Customer satisfaction should be one of our goals because it is the best way of word-of-mouth marketing. The more similar the sender is to the recipient, the more persuasive the message will be. One customer has the most impact on other customers.

Customer complaints and criticisms are an opportunity, not a threat

We learn more from mistakes, errors and shortcomings than from correct performance.
If we pay attention to customer complaints, it prevents them from turning from dissatisfied to angry.
Customers see things that we do not see because of our self-esteem and habituation.
Criticism means separating good from bad or straw from wheat and the like. So criticism improves performance.

Manage customer complaints

Ask customers to submit any suggestions for criticism. Like the campaign if I were the company managers instead …
Design thinking: Instead of looking at things from our own perspective, try to understand them from the perspective of users and customers.
Designing channels, mechanisms and routes to receive customer feedback, especially digital



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